McDonald's employee faces a blows client, the brand loses


Because no one is a secret that the customer will always look for more for his money. With all kinds of promotions and discounts, brands have tried to cover this demand. But, what happens when the customer wants to benefit more from the offer? Or when the nao brand is clear in its offer and its employees do not know how to defend it? The answers to these questions can be explained by a fight in a McDonald's establishment by a customer and an employee who fought for a free glass of soda.

According to users who reported the fact in social networks, the fight began after a customer, with bad manners, tried to fill a glass of soda without paying; the employee in charge of the establishment decided to close the refueling station and after a verbal discussion, the client threw on the employee a shake and a tray of food.

The employee reacted and answered the visitor with face shots and then toss him on a table. The fight spread when another employee tried to separate the two women.

What happened was shared by the user of Instagram identified as Marie Dayag through a video that has up to here 3 ml 646 likes and thousands of reproductions [19659005] Brand, the one that loses the most

While the two protagonists of the embarrassing scene had something to lose, the truth is that the brand is the most affected in this regard.

your potion of guilt; nevertheless, the actions of the two employees of the place leave the image of the fast food chain in a bad position. The staff is the first reference that gives the image of any commercial enterprise and, by nature, a behavior of this nature contributes little to strengthen it.

Understanding Employees and That They Are Expected to be True Ambassadors and Representatives of Brands is an aspect that companies can not ignore.

In this regard, it should be mentioned that, according to the results of a recent study conducted by The Hinge Research Institute, 79% of companies that bet By this practice, they ensure that that the visibility of their brands increases considerably, a situation that is repeated in the 65% cases where the increase in web traffic, the recall of the brand and the

Similarly, expects that, when official programs of this nature are established, 65% of employees consider their actions to help attract and generate new business, while 44 percent advocates asserts that their contribution is able to generate new sources of income for the company in which they work.

on the table, they also play in the opposite direction when the attitude of the "first representatives of the mark" is negative.


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