Meade entrusts to God the future of Mexico; Juana gives him communion


  Meade entrusts to God the future of Mexico; Juana gives her communion

Juana Cuevas gave communion to her husband, as an extraordinary Eucharistic minister, explained the priest Benjamín Bravo (Photo: Iván E. Saldaña)


After going to vote , the presidential candidate José Antonio Meade received from the hand of his wife, Juana Cuevas, the Eucharistic Communion at Sunday Mass at 12:00

He heard the prayers where they asked him to "to make itself respected" the popular will "of the elections and leaving the parish of San Sebastián Mártir to Chimalistac, declared that entrusted to God the future of the country .

I come every Sunday, and I always pray that Mexico is doing well, and always entrusts to him, and today in a particular way to a time of great definition for the country, living a very good election day where everyone we p let us pronounce, as we have asked here, in a very clear way, that what is always respected, it is the will of the people, "said the candidate of the coalition Tous pour le Mexico

. the blocks of Meade's house, was officiated by Father Benjamin Bravo .

During his homily, the priest called the faithful to pray because "on this day we are, really, able to do good to our country with our vote."

Father explained to Excelsior that Juana Cuevas helped him communicate communion as an extraordinary Eucharistic minister . Although she clarified that she is just getting the job.


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