Meditation helps defeat breast cancer


There are too many diseases in the world and we do not always realize if we suffer because we believe that this will not happen to us, and we know that it's only a question of seeing the changes in our body. Breast cancer is a serious illness .

The truth is that in Mexico, 23,000 new cases of breast cancer have been detected, or 60 per day, according to the Department of Health

. ] You can also see: Fight against cancer: more resources are needed

Meditation to defeat breast cancer

But if you are a woman diagnosed with breast cancer or a family member who suffers from it, you must know that you are not alone and this time forget what the disease entails.

Clear your mind of everything, problems and discomforts of illness, that if you have children the worries that come to the surface, if you are in your home, have to C is to clean and cook, and even if you work and have the slope. Forget it completely.

Take a few minutes to do a little meditation which, I assure you, will give you the strength you need to meet the challenges that life sometimes gives us.

What is meditation? License Leonor Zarazúa in the ABC Cancer Center for the annual event, "Pink Day, Breast Cancer", also mentions the common ways to meditate on walking, knitting , painting or reading. Meditation is not necessarily through uncomfortable postures, he explains.

This exercise is not meant to make stress go away, but it's the relationship you have with stress . Being able to react instead of reacting inappropriately.

Moreover, thanks to the continuous practice of meditation, the psychological and mental state of people with cancer is improved, which helps to strengthen the defenses to prevent or treat the disease

Meditation helps to breathe to pause in the action and reaction, with this break we can make better decisions. We can:

  • Name our feelings
  • Let's change our mind
  • We self-regulate
  • Let's keep calm before the challenges

How can I meditate?

You should know that in this meditation we will go to breathing to the senses.

Feel comfortable, hands on the floor, hands on your knees, try not to lean over, remove your chest and close your eyes.

Inhale deeply, observe the air, its temperature, exhale. Breathe, inhale and exhale, watch your abdomen and how it moves while breathing, look at your ribcage, let the air flow, breathe, maybe you can feel the bones of one behind your backs that move.

Bring your tension to your neck to your arms, and let them fall, feel like they weigh, do not stop breathing, inhale and exhale, give yourself the opportunity to observe while you breathe.

While you are in you, in your body, nothing more. Only you, you breath and your body, there is nothing else. Only you, your peace and your harmony without anyone else, understanding your personal power, understanding and touching with your strength. When touching your voice, do not forget to remember that you are calm and that each time you breathe deeply, you can find the tranquility that will accompany you all the time.

Keep enjoying and when you are ready open your eyes to return to your natural state

After doing that, I wait and smile, I'm glad you gave yourself time to you. Have a nice day.

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