Meet Kidy, the new search engine designed specifically for kids


Currently, the fact that children have access to the Internet is unavoidable, since they will be able to do it in one way or another, but what can be controlled and available to parents , it is the establishment of a method to prevent

Considering that and the quick access that infants have to get any content, that is what that Kidy has developed, an intelligent search engine that will guide children to focus only on the sites they can think of. learn and play

In this way, the new search engine blocks all content that is not suitable for minors and instead gives educational pages that will help them develop new skills or enjoy healthy entertainment. [19659002]

The way Kidy works, is by the system that has built-in, which is based on the framework of Google's artificial intelligence who learns according to the researches made by the little ones and improves with time.

The words, news or videos you want to find, will go through different layers of security that will allow you to give the right pages for children to have fun; This is how the first "colander" is to use Google's search filter to block everything that is pornographic and / or violent, as well as any other situation that resembles it.

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The second layer of security will determine if the result is child-friendly and the last, consider prioritizing sites that are simply child-oriented , where learning and entertainment are the main point

The only bad aspect that the search engine shows up to now is the results that it produces because they tend to to be very repetitive, but parents will prefer that it is so, that their children are walking on Google without having

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