Meghan and Harry no longer hold hands. Discover why


LONDON, United Kingdom. Something that has appeared since the novel between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was revealed, and that helped popularize his charm that they were very affectionate in public, ranging almost always hand in hand. However, that will change soon, according to the English press … and is not for anything that dictates the actual protocol (that Meghan has broken several times).

Last week, the Dukes of Sussex joined Queen Elizabeth II at the Queen's Young Leaders Awards Ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, many noticed that Meghan tried to take her husband's hand and hold it, but Prince Harry ignored his effort and, on the contrary, rallied his arms, which sparked controversy. various newspapers and social networks. However, the reason has nothing to do with gossip

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According to the William Hanson label expert (As reported by the Daily Mail), it is possible that Prince Harry does not intend to take his wife by the hand in public so that Meghan gains more confidence in herself. Moreover, not holding hands makes them more professional .

"Probably, Prince Harry felt less need to hold Meghan's hand," said Hanson, one of the most recognized referees. and the protocol in the UK "Since the Duchess seems to have a lot more confidence and security in her new role, she needs less emotional and physical support from her husband," she added. there. Public displays of affection, such as holding hands, may be accepted in private situations and in a purely social setting, but when they are public, Harry and Meghan perform official duties and, therefore, , are not considered professionals. ", continues the expert.

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