Meghan Markle abandons her favorite dish on Queen's orders


It seems that the process of adapting Meghan Markle to royalty does not end, and that is, it became known that the Duchess now had to give up her dish preferred on the orders of the queen

This is not the first sacrifice that Meghan had to make by marrying the Prince Harry and be part of the Royal family. Before that, the former actress had to close her social networks and stop painting her nails in black

After Darren McGrady former head of the royal family, Queen Elizabeth some rules for the menu of Buckingham Palace. One of them is the ban on carbohydrates, which includes the preparation of pasta, which is the favorite dish of the Duchess of Sussex .

For her health, the queen tries to avoid this type of food and prefers to enrich their diet with proteins and seasonal vegetables. Although she has a very healthy diet, the queen is a fan of cookies.

"She eats a small portion a day until there is only one small piece left, which she must also give because she wants to eat everything." dessert, "she says. Darren .

Onions and garlic are other ingredients that are found outside the royal palace, as well as raw meat and seafood, as they avoid any form of food. ;poisoning.

The former chief assured that members of the royal family used a dish of 1,800 euros and that they were covered with gold and silver to eat.

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