Meghan Markle hangs a label on her gala dress and netizens do not lose details


Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, are on official tour in Australia and Oceania. On October 25, the newly married royal couple arrived in Tongo Kingdom. Megan, wearing an elegant scarlet dress, came down from the plane and walked on the red carpet holding her husband's hand, while the current photographers captured their images.

Thanks to these snapshots, everyone has learned about Meghan's apparent negligence in wearing the newly acquired garment.

A few minutes later, the duchess' s assistant became aware of the mistake and the label was carefully removed. However, the networks went crazy with this forgetfulness and all sorts of speculations appeared to explain the lack of control of Megan.

Some internet users suggested that this was due to their status as pregnant women, because, they argued, the future mothers become helpless. Others claimed that the Duchess had changed dress during the short flight from Fiji and that she could not look herself in the mirror, so she did not pay attention to this detail .

And as there are always others, some have thought that the etiquette He was left on purpose, as well as the dress -a self-portrait that costs $ 444- can be returned at the shop. While the duchess, on her first official tour, attends many events and never repeats the clothes you have seen, it would be something to save on the family budget.

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