Melania looks a lot and says little in migrant centers


Melania Trump continued when a 3-year-old boy missed " Family Unit 8 " at an immigrant center in Tucson, Arizona.

" Hello! ", said the first lady, lit in the middle of the eight-cell semicircle in a detention center in the short term for immigrants . " How are you? "

Melania Trump. Photo: AP.

The Mrs. Trump immigrant and her mother herself, wanted to know more about how her husband's strict immigration policy was applied on the ground, in especially among separated families at the border. Two visits to migrant detention centers in one week gave him sometimes a dim view.

Now the question is what does he do with this knowledge and how he combines it with his disgust for the division of families and a spokesperson Stephanie Grisham says that more visits to the border or Conversations with lawmakers are possible, but it is unclear what lessons the first lady took from her visits and what she will communicate to her husband.

] " He cares deeply about children ," said Grisham. " She also believes in strong border laws and treats everyone the same way ."

The First Lady gave her husband her perspective on controversial political issues during her presidency. never so publicly as with the issue of immigrant children.

Melania Trump. Photo: AP.

Before her husband overthrew and interrupted separations at the border, the Trump office issued a statement saying that the First Lady " hates " to see families separated and expresses the hope that " on both sides " can reform the country's immigration laws She did not say whether she supported the policy of "zero tolerance" from the president to criminally prosecute those who cross the border illegally. "" It is a complex problem ", said Grisham. " It recognizes it . "

The sights and sounds of ] Mrs. Trump at the border facilities of Texas and Arizona was an information file that was hard to forget about the two thousand children separated from their families across the country.

Visits from Thursday in a center of migrants and a school provided to the Mrs. Trump images and indelible facts about the dangers for families crossing the desert, the challenges for the application of the law and what happens to those who cross the border and to their children when they are caught.

nature ready for the camera of events, some of the images were dark: a block of cells, doors open at this time, where minors are classified in " Families " , " Men " and " Treaty " and " Unprocessed ". Six without expression. teens sitting on a bench outside their cell. A nursery for children under 2 and some mothers, also minors.

Melania Trump. Photo: AP.

At a round table held in Tucson with law enforcement officials responsible for hundreds of miles of border, the first lady asked how many children were crossing the desert alone. An official told him that a 16-year-old girl was raped during her trip to the United States and gave birth in a federal facility.

Another official showed Mrs. Trump a photo that seemed to surprise her. It seems to be a picture of a six-year-old boy who was found crossing the desert with only a bottle of soda and a note saying that he was looking for his mother. Journalists learn later that the child is alive

The first lady sometimes deliberately leaves her message vague

on her first trip to the border, her choice of clothes leaves everyone scratching . the head, with the inscription on the back of the jacket that said: " I'm mad, is not it? "

At his second visit, his wardrobe was discreet. But the Mrs. Trump did not explain her point of view about her husband's immigration policy.

Melania Trump. Photo: AP.

This did not prevent critics of the Trump administration from grouping her with her husband.

In Phoenix, when the first caravan approached a large migratory facility in Southwest Key, the protesters lined up on the sidewalk in the middle of a large inflatable image of her husband, dressed in a white dress and holding a cap reminiscent of the Ku Klux Klan.

" Melania Trump is guilty, guilty, guilty! " shouted protesters of the first lady, originally from Slovenia, who came to the United States on a special visa during her modeling career.

Inside, she stopped in an air conditioning trailer marked No. 4 which contained 10 boys and girls around 5 years old.

Do you like friends here? ", Asked Ms. Trump.

" Yes "said one of them.

Some protesters shouted from a balcony to proximity It was facing the playground of the complex when the entourage of the Mrs. Trump changed building

Melania Trump.Photo: AP.

Then came perhaps the most informative stop, to another refrigerated room that contained nine babies and small children, and four of their mothers.

The Mrs. Trump climbed onto the carpet with bare feet and he squatted to approach children, still numb by recent naps. He looked at the women who were nearby and asked, " Who are the mothers? ". A woman from Honduras raised her hand. " Where is your baby? " asked the first lady. A translator helped the girl to name a 14-month-old boy. An official who was traveling with the Mrs. Trump said that there were 121 children there and that her average stay was 48 days.

The balcony was empty when Mrs Trump left.

At the gates of the complex, some protesters tried to jog briefly next to the first lady's procession while speeding, with flashing lights, to the airport and the four-hour flight to Washington.

In this note:

  • Immigrants
  • Migration Centers
  • United States
  • Melania Trump
  • See Many

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