Melania Trump arrives at the border to visit another center for migrant children


The First Lady of the United States Melania Trump arrived today at Tucson City ( Arizona ), where she will visit Immigration Detention Center and will interview with officials of Customs and Border Protection ( CBP in English).

The traveler who traveled Melania landed at Davis-Montham Air Base next to Tucson, where he plans to also go to an "intelligence center ," according to the White House. 19659002] When meeting with local CBP officials, Border Patrol and Marshals Service (US Marshals) at the CBP facility adjacent to the air base, Melania said that he wanted to "support" minors and their families "as much as possible."

After being informed of the activity of traffickers of persons who help ] to cross the border illegally between the United States and Mexico the first lady says that it is "unbelievable" that a "coyote" "(Human smuggler) could leave a boy from 6 years in the desert to his fate a few days ago

This visit comes a week after Melania Trump made a similar trip to Texas to frequent a home of undocumented minors who were separated from the parents after being detained by illegally crossing the border

The trip to Texas was marked by controversy when the first lady wore a jacket in which the words were printed "I'm mad. And you? " This time Melania was not wearing a coat


Despite the delicate immigration status of Mexico with the United States, Melania Trump wears gabardine with a controversial message

 ] Melania Trump wearing gabardine with a message:   Melania Trump wearing a trench coat with a message:

Melania spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham told reporters that the trip was scheduled a few days after the visit to Texas where the First Lady could not visit a center of the Department of Homeland Security ( DHS ) due to floods and qu & # 39 he wants to "learn front-line people at the border."

He indicated that after the end of the policy of separation of minors from their padr is undocumented immigrants Melania is "anxious" to know how to carry out a "n new process "involving the family reunification of more than 2,300 children .

Given the possibility that the first lady visited one of the major detention centers of the city, a group of activists was posted in the place to protest against the Migration policies of the administration of Donald Trump .


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