Melania Trump says it was an honor to meet Queen Elizabeth II


The First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump, stated that it was an "honor" to meet and have tea with Queen Elizabeth II

In a message on Twitter, the wife of US President Donald Trump, He claimed to have "enjoyed the visit and the company" of the 92-year-old monarch.

Isabel II received the Trump couple yesterday at Windsor Castle, 40 kilometers from London, where they attended a military parade and had tea for almost an hour.

Melania accompanied the message on Twitter with four images of the meeting, three in which her husband, the queen and she appear and a quarter of the soldiers who paraded.

In addition, the first lady also posted two tweets thanking the Royal Hospital of Chelsea and the St. George & Church of England Elementary School, having received it yesterday.

Elizabeth II receives Trump at Windsor Castle

The wife of the head of the White House visited the hospital accompanied by the husband of the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, Philip, while their respective partners held a working meeting at Checkers (English Southeast)

At school, the American helped make poppies a traditional ornament in the United Kingdom commemorating war dead, especially since the First World War.

Trump's wedding is now in Scotland for a two-day private stay, last You will stay at one of the president's golf courses, during his first official visit to the UK.

Trump arrives in Scotland for a private tour of his golf course

With the information of EFE


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