Merkel wavers on the migrant crisis [Internacional] – 07/02/2018


Berlin, Germany .- German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the rightmost wing of her governing coalition will meet on Monday to try to resolve a conflict over migrants that threatens to fracture the country. executive.

The reason for the dispute is the foreign policy of the Chancellor, considered too permissive by the Bavarian Conservative Party CSU, member of the fragile coalition government formed by Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Social Democrats .

CSU President and Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who leads the fight against Merkel, announced Sunday night his intention to resign from both positions to get out of the quagmire, at a meeting of the Bavarian party which lasted about 10 hours. Munich

"I said that I have made both posts available and that I will complete this decision in the next three days," said Seehofer at dawn on Monday.

A few hours later, Monday afternoon, the CSU plans to meet the Chancellor's party "in the hope of reaching an agreement," the minister said.

The Bavarian party press Merkel for weeks to accept his plans to reject asylum seekers already registered in other countries at the border or to reach European agreements with the same effect .

he opposes, however, the rejections at the border, believing that they could create a "domino effect" in Europe.

Seehofer spoke of several possible scenarios when meeting with the leaders of his party. He said he could yield to the Chancellor and waive his demands, or impose expulsions of migrants at the borders, which would lead to his dismissal and the end of the coalition government, or ultimately to resign.

According to the participants in the meeting, the Minister of the Interior opted for the latter option.


"Despite the challenge of the CSU, the head of the German government is inflexible, and Sunday it obtains in Berlin almost unanimous support of the governing bodies of his party. 19659002] "They rejected in a motion any" unilateral "national decision to reject migrants and supported the efforts of the Foreign Minister to negotiate European solutions for asylum policy.

"Whatever the outcome of the government crisis, Merkel will be weakened politically after 13 years in power.

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