Message to the presidential candidate José Antonio Meade's media – LA PRENSA DE MONCLOVA


Good evening. Today, it is up to citizens to make the decisions and they have already done so, thanks to all the Mexicans who participated in this election day.

This has been, without a doubt, the biggest challenge of my life. commitment, beliefs, values, abilities and heart.

I have always defended the law and institutions. I believe in democracy and in this context, with the responsibility I recognize that the voting trends do not favor us, we will have to wait for the final results of the National Electoral Institute.

We will follow very closely the elections of deputies, municipal presidents, local deputies and governors. But, for the information that has been made public, the All for Mexico coalition is not winning in this process of citizen suffrage for the Presidency of the Republic.

At this moment I will have to recognize that, according to the trends, it was Andrés Manuel López Obrador who got the majority. He will have the responsibility to lead the executive power and, for the good of Mexico, I wish him the greatest success.

Mexico is one, we all share the same story, the same pride for our roots and for what we have advanced. Forward, without a doubt, we will have great challenges, but also great opportunities and we will have to capitalize on working together for Mexico that we all deserve.

We will deliver a country with a strong and healthy economy that has 34 quarters of positive growth, which has mobilized and brought investments like never before, which has been modernized to give birth to the highest generation of jobs of history, with sound public finances, and who has bet on education and has gained ground for the

I thank President Enrique Peña Nieto for giving me the l & # 39; opportunity to be part of this transformation.

We must work for a Mexico without impunity, justice and security across the country for a healthy Mexico. all, where no girl or boy is born in extreme poverty, in which our children have the best education and teachers with the best conditions to give them the best instruments To succeed, a Mexico that offers opportunities to our young people and opens spaces for our women that preserve the dignity and leadership that we hold on the international scene.

I appreciate the trust of millions of Mexicans who voted for us. they voted for a Mexico where the rule of law prevails and everyone has the tools to achieve their goals and dreams.

I thank the women and men who accompanied and supported me in this election contest, to the campaign team. To my friend, Aurelio Nuño, thank you for your tireless work and for leading a great team.

I am very grateful to René Juárez, I thank the Institutional Revolutionary Party for the opportunity to participate in the race as a citizen, I am particularly grateful. René Juarez who took the reins of the party at a very complicated time

I had to speak for a party that supported quality public education, autonomy and excellence in higher education , create social security institutions and social programs, as well as a series of transformations that allow us to be a respected country, an open and competitive economy and a plural democracy.

I thank Nueva Alianza and Luis Castro for having contributed their liberal vision and the defense of an education of excellence for our children, to carry out the demands and demands of a new citizen agenda in which all Mexicans fully exercise their rights. [19] 659002] I thank the Green Party and Carlos Puente for their commitment to this coalition with our entire environment to ensure that our development is sustainable, just and equitable.

And of course, I thank Juana.

I thank Juana, my children, Dionisio, José Ángel, Magdalena, my father Dionisio, my mother, for all their solidarity, their company, their support, their gratitude.

And I thank all those who in this effort were in progress, close, in prayer, in dedication, with faith and hope.

Tomorrow, we must continue to build a country for all, because even if we have different visions, we are all looking for a better country. Mexico is and must be a united country.

I wish the new government every success for the good of our country, which deserves to be governed in a responsible manner.

I will take a few days to reflect and evaluate my future, but the certainty that I will continue to work for a better Mexico

The causes that motivated my participation in the struggle continue, thanks to everyone for this opportunity of life.

I leave as I came to this process

I greeted and met with thousands of Mexicans struggling every day to promote this country, their look of trust and hope nourished me day after day.

We gathered in a suitable space after a long walk, but the road continues and there, I am sure, we will see each other again.

Good evening. [ad_2]
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