Mesut Özil resigns from German selection by racist critics


The Arsenal striker sent a statement explaining the decision he made.

Mexico City –

The German striker, Mesut Özil resigned from the German National Team after receiving racist criticism from the Teutonic country public and posing on a picture with the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip, Erdogan.

Through the social networks, the Arsenal player from England manifested his decision to take his side of the national team, Joachim Löw .

"I wore Germany's shirt with pride and emotion, and not because of the treatment I received," said the player.

"For me, a photo with the president Erdogan has nothing to do with politics or elections, but with respect for the highest post in the country of my family."

Özil played 9 years with the shirt of Germany time when he played 92 games, scored 23 goals and won the 2014 Brazil World Cup ] and Eurocopa U21 in 2009.

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