Mexican crude closed with a loss of $ 3.13, sold at $ 67.04 a barrel


Monday, the Mexican export mix recorded a loss of $ 3.13, compared to the session of Wednesday, October 31, which will be offered to $ 67.04 a barrel, informed Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex)

According to Banco Base, the price of hydrocarbons has been pushed up following the application of US sanctions to Iran, as a reduction in the global oil supply is expected.

He mentioned that the administration of the President of the United States, Donald Trumpgranted exemptions to China, India, Italy, Greece, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Turkey to continue importing Iranian oil.

He also pointed out that Iran had insisted not to evade US sanctions and had promised to continue to sell its oil on the international market despite these measures, which gives hope that the global supply is not as affected as in the past. expected.

In addition to oil exports, the new restrictions imposed on Iran will affect all key sectors of the Iranian economy, including the banking sector, as well as companies from countries that decide to do business with the nation. Persian.

According to the Trump administration, such sanctions were reinstated in order to force Iran to suspend its nuclear program and its missiles and to limit its support to Yemen, Syria and other regions. from the Middle-East.

In this context, the raw type West Texas Intermediate (WTI) recorded a decline in 0.04 cent sell at $ 63.10 a barrel, while the Brent earned 0.34 cents, to be offered at 73.17 dollars a barrel.

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