Mexican Day of the Dead Parade canceled at Red Square


Mexican fans had planned a Day of the Dead parade in Moscow's Red Square, but they had to cancel it because they had desecrated a Russian tradition.

06-29-2018, 17:06:37 PM [19659003] plaza-roja-mexico parade of the day of the dead "/>

Mexican football fans hanging Friday a parade inspired by the Day of the dead on the Red Square after which communist legislators objected that the event stood so close to the grave of Lenin

A carnival atmosphere has enveloped some parts of the capital as thousands of fans gather to see the Mundial Cup

The Mexican fans – whose selection is one of the 16 who advanced to the knockout stages – staged a party in the area that was intended for them in the city, followed by a parade on the Red Square several hundred meters away.

But one of the organizers said that the authorities had asked them Friday after- noon to hold the parade and other demonstrations in closed places, without explaining the reasons.

Sergei Malinkovich second-in-command of the party "Russian Communists" said that people dressed in skeletons – one of the traditional symbols of the annual Mexican holiday in which families remember their deceased relatives – should not be allowed to parade in what their Party considered "sacred" soil.

"Why should we have some kind of skull there?", Said Malinkovich

The corpse of the founder of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov he is embalmed in a marble tomb on the square, while Soviet leaders and dignitaries are buried in the walls of the Kremlin.

The Malinkovich party asked or the Interior Ministry to prevent fans from making the parade, arguing that it could provoke violent clashes with Russian patriots.

"The Russians on the square would almost certainly try to stop them, there would be conflicts, to say the least, and perhaps confrontations."

The event, which would have taken place four months before the celebration in Mexico, took place in the amateur zone and attended by several hundred people. 19659007] Lee Who Qualified for the World Cup Direct Elimination Phases

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