Mexican player spent 300,000 pesos on FIFA


This guy wins well, so he "justifies" all his expenses.

Through MedioTiempo we learn that a player with the name "Michael" asked Electronic Arts to reveal how much he had invested in FIFA 17 and FIFA 18. After learning that He had spent $ 16,000 and said it was not worth it.

"Michael" used the General Data Protection Regulation During the interview, this guy with very good income said: "My fiancee and I are fortunate d & # 39; to have a reasonable income, so this figure does not represent a major financial problem.However, I feel maximum sympathy for those with lower incomes and who could become dependent on the purchase of loot boxes. "[19659008Whoistoblame?EAortheplayer?

Since EA implemented the section of Ultimate Team in his sports games, she found good deals because the players love with all their heart the fancy and the diet It is not so unfair when it comes to playing and getting a reward. Now, there are those who end up paying because they save hours in which they can not really invest.

Now the money invested by this subject is really ridiculous and there is no reason to be. 16 thousand dollars (about 300 thousand MXN) is a real madness despite the fact that the amount was spent in a period of two years. Now, as a responsible adult, he admitted that it was a useless expense and, of course, he has the money to pay and not have any financial problems.

What Happens to People Who Invest in Ultimate Team Envelopes? Especially in the game of FIFA . Of course, they have fallen once because the purchase accelerates the progress of the game and it generates some satisfaction in the user because it gains in advantage. Now we are not talking about a Pay-to-Win at the end of the day it is also necessary to know how to play and know in detail the section of UT to defeat the & 90 39 39 39 pour pour pour opponent.

EA Is this the fault? No, they do business through a service that does not require the player to pay. Should they have a ceiling for purchase to prevent a child or a minor from making unnecessary expenses? Perhaps, however, the licensing agreements are very clear and express the theme that minors need the supervision of their parents.

The subject of microtransactions is certainly complicated and delicate, that is why Electronic Arts has been severely criticized for the subject, especially when they publish titles like Star Wars Battlefront II [19659017]. ]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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