Mexican Selection has two new "güeros": Chicharito and Layún


Following the fashion initiated by Tecatito Corona, Javier Hernándes and Miguel Layún opted for a "discreet" color for their hair.

Samara, Russia –

Javier Hernández and Miguel Layún will make his debut seek the match of Mexico against Brazil in ] Eighth Final in Russia 2018 because in practice this Sunday both appeared with dyed hair.

A blond turntable like the one watching since the beginning of the World Cup, Jesús Manuel Corona was the color chosen by the two Mexican elements

During the 15 minutes that the training was available, both Layún and Chicharito ] smiled when they took the limelight

The Mexican National Team of had his training Sunday Arena Samara at 7.30 pm local time (10.30 am from central Mexico City) where he was ready to face on Monday Brazil in the eighth finals of Russia 2018.


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