Mexican selection: The future of Juan Carlos Osorio does not depend on the new president FMF


Without achieving the goals, but saving the image left in front of Germany, the senior ranks of the national team will evaluate the future of Osorio.

Mexico City –

Dennis Te Kloese Director of National Teams stated that before the 2018 Russian World Cup was in agreement with Juan Carlos Osorio analyzes the possibilities of a continuation once Mexico City finished his participation.

"Before the World we said that after the event we would sit quietly, evaluate"

Without time limit, the director specified that the change of Administration is not a reference to carry out the analysis of the work of Osorio and all the others with Tri in this World Cup

"No (they are waiting for the arrival of Yon de Luisa to decide on the continuity of Osorio). Yon will be the new president of the Federation and this is only the change of the administration. "

Finally, Te Kloese regretted the elimination of the national team, although the consolation that they have left is the image that". they left against Germany and South Korea, up to a few minutes against Brazil, the last meeting of the team on the world championships.

"We know that the goal was to go further, to stay alive in the cup and to fight more matches. I think that in general, the commitment of the team, the image we gave in the exchangeable games against Germany and South Korea gives see positive things ".

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