"Mexicans do not win to travel": they are deported from England


Guadalajara, Jalisco .- A family of Mexicans has accused the British government of discrimination after immigration agents prevented the country from arriving in London. This would be the first step of a trip to Europe for their daughter to attend religious choir festival.

Diana Briseno said she traveled to Europe because her daughter Andrea, aged 12, was part of a religious choir in Guadalajara, Mexico, selected to participate in the Corearte Festival, which took place from 15 October 21st in Barcelona. , Spain.

The woman, her husband and daughter, accompanied by a brother-in-law, decided to travel earlier to visit some European cities and bought plane tickets to London before settling in. in Spain.

Briseño recounted that, when they arrived at London airport, immigration agents asked them if they were Mexican and separated them from other travelers to take them in. room. There, the agents interviewed them for a little over an hour on the amount of their contribution and their destination.

The officials laughed when the Mexicans explained what they were doing, that they would stay in European territory for several days and even when they were shown that they had the economic resources to pay for the trip, she said. declared. Diana said:

Since our arrival, they have given us a very discriminatory treatment for Mexicans. They tell us what we do, I answer that I am a nurse by profession and they tell me that a nurse does not earn to travel there, that a Mexican does not win to go to London

Without allowing the Mexicans to contact their embassy, ​​the agents forced them to open their suitcase and examined it with laughter and mocking comments, added Briseño.

At the moment they finish checking, they close the suitcases and the one who checked throws my suitcase and that of Andrea and makes me sign a slip. I asked him why he had done it and he did not answer me. He only told me to sign it, but the same thing happened with my husband

Affected individuals claim that the officers did not want to explain the contents of the signed document to them, but they were forced to do so because of the insistence of those responsible for those who were hiding drugs.

They think that all Mexicans are drug traffickers and I was very scared because I thought that they could force us to carry a package of drugs, but eventually that was not done ", did he declare.

The four Mexicans were detained in the room for about nine hours without the right to drink water, eat or go to the toilet, until an officer told them explained that they "would issue an alert so that they could not enter the European Union" and they would be deported to Mexico, which happened hours later.

Briseño does not know why they received this so-called "degrading" treatment because they had everything in order.

"What is the origin of it, I do not know, I just know that we travel with the illusion of knowing there, we did not intend to stay or to live, nor work, let alone because our final destination was Barcelona.But I think it was discrimination against us because we are Mexican, "he said.

The family complained to the British Embassy in Mexico City and went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to register the incident and conduct an investigation.

What we are asking is that they repair the damage caused by the trips, because it is enough money that we lost because of that, and at least a penalty for those who treated us in this way.

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