Mexico and learning who left the 2014 World Cup


Mexico imposed 1-0 in the Netherlands until the 88th minute, then a goal from Wesley Sneijder and a penalty imposed by Huntelaar (93) put an end to the dream of the Tricolor in Brazil 2014. Once again the team was left in the round of 16.

This game was a great lesson as Hector Herrera said, something that this day should take into account in the game that can mark his career.

The teaching that leaves you is that a game does not end as soon as you make the goal, it lasts 90 "or 120", you can not deconcentrate yourself for a second because being against players of this quality does not forgive you. Tomorrow we face a big selection and to continue, we must always give the maximum, concentrate, together and that will lead us to a good result. "

Winning Brazil is possible – already in the past they gave him a fight, and now in this World Cup the players of the Mexican national team are clear that they can do it again

Four years ago, in the same scenario they drew a draw, but with an outstanding performance.In 2012, Héctor Herrera was the protagonist of a team that won the match against Brazil , who found themselves with a title they coveted, snatched the gold medal at the London Olympics, while few thought it was possible.

" I have had the opportunity to be in this generation of the gold medal. To live in the present, we know that they have a high quality team, that 39, they play in the best teams in the world and I hope that tomorrow we will do a great match, I have a lot of confidence in the group e, in me and we will make a great match with our dream, which is to win the World Cup. "

Of the two teams, several have come to this World Cup.For the Canarinha are Marcelo, Danilo, Thiago Silva and Neymar.Otherwise, Marcelo will not be there because he has problems Filipe Luis will be in his place.

While Jesús Corona, Héctor Herrera, Marco Fabián de la Mora, Oribe Peralta, Giovani dos Santos, Javier Aquino and Raúl remain on the Habs side, Jiménez

Herrera explained that the team was focused on this meeting, with courage and optimism to impose its conditions.

"The group is very calm, focused, motivated by the opportunity we have to play against one of the best selections in the world. world. If we want to be a team that aspires to the championship, we have to beat the one who passes. "

He also said" I have a lot of confidence in the group and in myself, tomorrow we are ready to make a good match. and keep dreaming. "

" We have full confidence in our work, our quality and in the group of human beings we have; After the union, the joy and all that this group together, it makes us think that we can conquer important things. Transcending as a country, as players or as people is something that makes us very strong, the trust that exists in every player, the coaching staff and the staff is very important. "


It was mentioned that the Arsenal of England is interested in Hector Herrera, who excelled in this World Cup.

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