Mexico condemns the terrorist attack in Pakistan


The Government of Mexico condemns the attacks perpetrated in the Balochistan Province of Pakistan at an Electoral Rally in which people died and 122 others were wounded and this was claimed by the Islamic State (EI).

"The Government of Mexico, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), condemns the separate attacks in the cities of Dringarh and Bannu," the Foreign Ministry said in a brief message .

Mexico expressed its "condolences" and "solidarity" with the Pakistani government and reiterated "its total rejection of violence and terrorism in all its forms and manifestations."

Yesterday in the provinces of Dringarh and Bannu, Pakistan, two attacks on political rallies took place, resulting in 132 deaths and 140 wounded.

The largest of the two attentive, with 128 dead and 122 wounded, have been claimed by the IS and are one of the worst terrorist acts in Pakistan in recent years.

Merkel condemns the "cowardly" attack against the Islamic State in Pakistan

German Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned the "cowardly" terrorist attack yesterday in the Pakistani province of Baluchistan. 19659002] The German President sent a telegram to Pakistani Prime Minister Nasirul Mulk to repudiate this attack, one of the worst of recent years in this Asian country and which adds to the series of attacks. Attacks perpetrated during election day elections of 25.

"I condemn in the most energetic manner this cowardly attack that has caused so many casualties, rest assured that Germany is by your side in the fight against terrorism, "said the minister the text

A spokeswoman for the German Foreign Ministry stressed that terrorism should not achieve its" goal "to erode the" democratic process "in Pakistan .

"We urge all political actors in Pakistan to do everything in their power to achieve peaceful, fair and transparent elections," the spokeswoman said in a statement.


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