Mexico in Barranquilla 2018: Carolina Mendoza and Paola Espinosa make 1-2 in diving


Carolina Mendoza and Paola Espinosa gave Mexico gold and silver on the last day of the Central American and Caribbean Barranquilla Games 2018.

Barranquilla, Colombia –

The last day of on the Games of Central America and the Caribbean Barranquilla 2018 and Mexico dismissed him with three medals , two thanks to Carolina Mendoza and Paola Espinosa to Trampoline 3m

The Mexicans signed the 1-2 to leave the Colombian, Diana Pineda, with the bronze and so say goodbye to the fans who filled the booths of the aquatic complex to attend the performance of the hostess, but Espinosa and Mendoza ruined the party.

Gold was awarded to Carolina, aged 21, the one born in Mexico City added 321.60 points and just in her second jump, she left first place, but she l & rsquo; took over and did not let him go.

Behind her was Paola, after the gold of her husband Iván García his performance was at the level of the family feast and this did not fail. Ivana's mother won second place on the podium with 294.85 units

Thus ended the participation of the Mexican group in diving with 13 metals in total, six Gold, four Silver and three Bronze . Now, in the facilities of the aquatic complex, synchronized swimming and water-polo competitions will be contested


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