Mexico is tinged with cherry; Morena conquers congresses, governorates and town halls



The country was painted in the colors of Morena, the party that led Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the presidency.

At the end of the Preliminary Results Program (PREP) last night, the coalition candidate Together We Make History won the majority of votes in 31 of the 32 states. Only Guanajuato resisted the cherry wave

The PREP confirmed the advantage of Lopez Obrador, who obtained 52.9% of the votes

Out of the total of the disputed popular electoral positions in 30 entities, 58 7% went to Morena.

In the Chamber of Deputies, this party and its coalition allies Juntos Haremos Historia (PT and PES) will have 303 seats, for 140 of the coalition for Mexico at the Front (PAN-PRD-MC) and 63 for All for Mexico (PRI-PVEM-NA). In the Senate, the winning alliance will have 70 seats; The Front, 38, and Todos por México, 20.

This is the first time in 24 years that a Mexican president will have a majority in the legislature.

In local congresses, Morena obtains the majority in 12 of the 27 seats. selected; even in the bastions of PRI as Colima, Hidalgo and the State of Mexico, and also ousted the PRD in Mexico City, sending him to the third place.

In Congress, the absolute majority; Morena increases to 303 his deputations

The alliance for Mexico to the Front has accumulated up to 140 deputies

Andrés Manuel López Obrador will be the first president of the Republic in 24 years to have a Congress of the Union by absolute majority, since the birth of political counterweights with a plural legislative power, in 1997, no federal agent of the time of the federal alternation had realized the saying full car that had Ernesto Zedillo in 1994.

With 92% of the boxes calculated in the PREP. Morena became the first political force in the Senate, with 37.5% of the electoral preferences and 37.24% to join the Chamber of Deputies, which added about 6% that involve their electoral allies PT and PSE – this party n & # 39; 39, has not reached the vote to keep the register – implies that he will have the majority in the federal legislature.

In the Senate, the alliance Let's Do History, will have 54 legislators elected in the polls; 48 of them are of a relative majority, which implies that they were in the first place election preferences and six are of the first minority; INE has informed that it will have 16 multi-member senators, with whom it will have the absolute majority of the plenary, with 70 members, something that has not been seen since the time of the mighty. PRI.

The second force in the Senate will be the PAN, with 18%, but the sum with its electoral allies, which form the Front for Mexico which has a total of 29 senators, 14 of the relative majority and 15 of the first minority ; will enter nine multiple members, to make a total of 38.

In the next six years of the Senate, the PRI and its allies will have the third force with only 13 members, plus seven by the multi-member, which will take you to 20. 19659003 ] In the case of the Chamber of Deputies, Together we will make history (Morena) has 219 legislators out of the polls and will have 84 plurinomials, which will reach 303.

For Mexico the Front will have 140 elected federal deputies; 68 elected directly and 72 pluris, and the PRI and its allies will have more than 63 legislators; from them, 40 PRI, although 34 are multi, Morena alone will have 78 MPs and 55 Senators.

PREP percentages show Morena as first political force with 37.24%, followed by PAN with 18.1%, PRI with 16.3%, PRD with 5.3%; Green Party with 4.7%; Citizen Movement with 4.3% and Labor Party 3.89%; Honeycomb and Social Encounter, its registration is in danger

AMLO was preferred in 31 entities; only in the electors of Guanajuato opted for Ricardo Anaya

A large part of the electorate in 31 entities voted for Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who shaved nearly 53% of the vote, at the cut of 20:12 yesterday , closed its operation the Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP), with 91.1% of the counters calculated.

After counting for the night of yesterday 146,176 acts of a total of 156,840, the PREP revealed that in total the coalition formed by Morena, PT and Partido Encuentro Social voted 24 million 108,200 votes in favor of his presidential candidate.

The sum of all these votes equals 52.95% of the total votes cast by citizens on Sunday.

According to the distribution of the vote, the Labor Party reached to this account two million 673 thousand 246 votes, while the party founded by the winning candidate, Morena, added by Si only 20 million 213 thousand 63 votes.

While the Social Meeting Party recorded a million 21,891 votes in the 20-hour cup with 45 minutes.

At the end of the edition, Ricardo Anaya remains in second place in the presidential election with 22.49 percent of the vote and Jose Antonio Meade in third place to reach 16.40% of the votes of the citizens.

Morena manages to surprise in capitals

As progressed yesterday He consolidated with the victory in the main capitals and cited the Morena trial with the minutes of the Preliminary Electoral Results Program [19659003] In the State of Mexico won the victory in the capital Toluca, in addition to the municipalities of Ecatepec, Tlalnepantla, Naucalpan, Atlacomulco, Texcoco, Tultitlán, Cuautitlán Izcalli and Cuautitlán.

In Sonora, Morena managed to win in the most important municipalities and had an advantage in Hermosillo

Culiacán, Morelia, Zacatecas, Oaxaca, Cancún and Chetumal are other cities and capitals in which Morena won with triumph.

The alliance led by Morena remained with the municipalities of Ahome, Choices, Guasave, Navolato, Culiacan, Mazatlan, and Escuinapa, while the PAN would only get the municipalities of Mocorito and ### 39, El Rosario.

Tabasco, Morena won in 15 of the 17 city halls, including Centro, where the capital Villahermosa is located. Practically the PRI has disappeared from this electoral sphere by failing even to reach one of the municipal presidencies.

Monterrey and its metropolitan area gave some surprises. The PRI has lost the state capital and San Pedro Garza García, a PAN for nearly 30 years, elected independent.

San Pedro, considered the richest municipality in Latin America, rose from a PAN government to an independent government, in the figure of Miguel Treviño, who reached 47.47% of the vote .

In Puebla, the PRI won victories in 81 of the 217 municipalities. Meanwhile, Together We Make History has managed to win 47, but among these are the most populous, such as the state capital, Tehuacán, San Martín Texmelucan and San Pedro Cholula.

For its part, the PAN has won victories in 41 municipalities; Citizen movement in 10; the PVEM in nine and the PRD in six; In addition, Commitment for Puebla won in six municipalities; New Alliance in Five and also in Five Integral Social Pact Triumphant

In Guerrero, Acapulco will be for Morena; Chilpancingo, who has always been PRI, will be for the Guerrero coalition ahead of PAN, PRD, MC. Iguala for Morena, Zihuatanejo for the PRI and Tax-
co for the alliance For Guerrero at the Front.

In Tamaulipas, Matamoros after the PRI took the PAN has now passed into the hands of Morena while the Madero Town Hall, from panistas to morenistas.

In Chihuahua, the PRI won its worst electoral defeat in the history of the state, while Morena is placed as the second largest political force after PAN

Morena won five municipal presidencies. 19659003] In Guanajuato, Morena won 4 municipalities, including Salamanca, while in Sonora, Morena led the PRI in the capital, Hermosillo. In Basse-Californie-du-Sud, Morena obtained three of the five municipalities

Por Coahuila al Frente coalition, PAN, Movimiento Ciudadano and Unidad Democrática de Coahuila, won 15 communes

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