Mexico: Nearly 50 oil wells have been discovered in the last five years | AmericaEconomy


The National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) assured that, last year, the oil discoveries have increased significantly, a trend that should continue with the development of the projects allocated in the various oil towers.

The NJC released the latest statistics showing that in 2017, it reached 381 million barrels of oil equivalent in 2P reserves (proven and probable), which would represent a 130.9% increase compared to the level of 360 million barrels of oil equivalent of 2016.

The most important data concern natural gas resources, because last year, CNH recorded 994 billion feet cubes of discoveries, or 272% more than in 2016.

From 2013 to date, 49 deposits have been discovered that incorporated reserves for a total volume of 917 million barrels of oil and two thousand 41 million cubic feet of gas. [19659002] In 2017, Pemex announced the discovery of the Ixachi deposit, incorporating reserves of 65.6 million barrels of oil and 761.8 billion cubic feet of gas, "explains document

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