Mexico receives more than 1,700 asylum applications from Central American migrants, report SRE and Segob


Mexico City.- The Government of Mexico received a little more than 1,700 asylum applications from foreigners that make up the Caravan of migrants currently serving in Chiapas.

The Secretariats of the Interior and Foreign Affairs they reported that they are 3 000 630 people who integrate the caravan of migrants in transit on the Mexican territory and that this Wednesday they go from Huixtla in Mapastepec, Chiapas, To continue your journey in the north of the country.

Until 10 o'clock today, they spread dependencies, they are One thousand 743 migrants who voluntarily requested assistance from the National Institute of Migration and the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR), to treat the quality of refuge.

116 people gave up Refugio's request and asked for their voluntary return to their country of origin.

"It should be noted that assisted voluntary return is carried out in accordance with international standards established by the International Organization for Migration and that its objective is to allow the return of migrants in full respect of their fundamental rights", they declared.

Responses to requests for refuge, governance and foreign affairs will be given within the deadlines provided by law.

"The federal government authorities have ratified their commitment to maintain the flow of humanitarian aid to persons housed in shelters authorized exclusively for this eventuality, in the Tapachula fairground, so it recognizes the support of the Government of the state of Chiapas, "they added.

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