Mexico, world champion in baseball


The Mexican baseball team he made history and dressed himself in glory by beating Japan 2-1 in ten innings, proclaiming himself world champion under 23 at World Cup Colombia 2018, organized by the World Baseball and Softball Confederation (WBSC).

Saltillo Fabricio Macías (Saraperos de Saltillo) was the offensive hero by connecting the two-run doublet producer to the top of the tenth role, while the starter Carlos Morales (Warriors of Oaxaca) stood out on the mound with eight rounds of one shot and scratched six opponents.

Mourning strong emotions dominated by the Morales initiates Mexico and the Japanese Hiroki Kondo. Both keep the board in zero for eight innings, each controlling the opposing offense.

Mexico He approached the plate in the second inning with the singles of Alan Garcia (Pericos de Puebla) and Orlando Piña (The Warriors of Oaxaca), but the first was removed by receiver Kengo Horiuchi while he was trying to join Home.

In the ninth inning, the Mexican manager Enrique Reyes sent Rafael Ordaz (Sultans of Monterrey) on the hill, who defended the zero and sent the match in extra-sleeve, where, according to the rule of the WBSC, the teams start with riders of the first and second goals.

Bernardo Heras (Pericos de Puebla) started the tenth round with a touch of sacrifice with which Walter Higuera (Lions of Yucatan) qualified third and Orlando Piña second. It is the turn of Fabricio Macías, who, with a line leading to the center of the field, reinforced the two points that gave the advantage to the ninth Mexican.

On the tenth roll, the tension reached its maximum when Japan had its first race under the peaks of the Taiga Matsuo and filled the bases before the shots of Sergio Alvarado (Bravos de León). Erick Casillas (Warriors of Oaxaca) arrived from the city center after the Nishimaki fly-ball controlled by right-hand policeman José Carlos Ureña.

The winning pitcher was Rafael Ordazwith rescue for Casillas; the defeat of the Japanese reliever Kakeru Narita. Mexico gets its first international title in the WBSC sanctioned events, dethroning the Japanese, winner of the 2016 edition.

The outfielder Norberto Obeso (Saraperos de Saltillo) was honored as the tournament's leading champion, as well as a member of the Ideal Nine, alongside pitcher Esteban Haro (Pirates of Campeche) and receiver Orlando Piña).

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