Mhoni Seer predicted that an earthquake would shake the CDMX (VIDEO)


On the morning of this Thursday, an earthquake of magnitude 5.9 with epicenter at Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca, was recorded, according to National Seismological Service . The telluric movement was perceptible in the city of Puebla, as well as in Mexico this morning around 8:30. Mhoni Seer would have predicted this earthquake a few days ago in his section of Program Today

Read also: Earthquake of 5.9 shakes Oaxaca and triggers seismic warning in CDMX

Mhoni Seer warned that the halo that surrounded the sun a few days ago was a sign that an earthquake would be recorded in the coming days.

] Unfortunately, when there is a halo, there are signs in the sky. There will be an earthquake, but nothing serious. Mhoni Seer predicted the death of singer Jorge Valenzuela?

On the other hand, he talked about the upcoming eclipse on July 27th. , which according to the visionary will mark the change of positive energies for Venezuela, Argentina and our country.

In this note:

  • Earth Motion
  • Mhoni Vidente
  • CDMX
  • Oaxaca
  • Puebla [19659014]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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