Michael Jackson was "chemically castrated", reveals his doctor [Espectáculos] – 07/09/2018


Mexico City .- Conrad Murray, the doctor who was jailed on the death of Michael Jackson, states that the singer was "chemically castrated" by his father to maintain his tone of voice when he was still a child, reports The Blast.

In a recording, the doctor calls Joe Jackson "one of the worst parents in history" and says that "the fact that he [Michael] was chemically castrated goes beyond words" . He also condemns "the cruelty" of the artist's father to his children. "I hope Joe Jackson found redemption in hell," says the doctor

. His claim about chemical castration is based on allegations that Michael was given injections of hormones to delay puberty and keep his voice high. According to Murray, the musician told him about "a lot of suffering from his father".

Michael's son, Prince Jackson, posted a video on Instagram after the death of Joe Jackson, who died on June 27 at the age of 89, in which he defended his grandfather before charges of abuse, and opined that he raised his children properly.

Conrad Murray served two years in prison after being charged with manslaughter for administering a lethal dose of anesthetic to the famous musician in June 2009. [19659005] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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