(Spoilers of Avengers: War of Infinity )

The Cinematic Universe of Marvel (MCU) is about to close a chapter and to start a new one. The fourth phase of films we have enjoyed over the last decade is approaching. And while new faces will arrive as Captain Marvel (Brie Larson), also we will have to say goodbye to others as Captain America (Chris Evans).

A few months after his first, the fatal finale of Avengers: Infinity War continues to give much to talk about. The same Kevin Feige, president of Marvel, recently confirmed that is not a coincidence that the survivors at the fatal rupture of Thanos are the original Avengers, among others characters Like Rocket Raccoon, War Machine and Nebula

Certainly, the protagonists of the moment in this plot were the famous Gems of Infinity and the Guantalete of Infinity . However, there are other objects equally or even more powerful in the Marvel Universe, at least in comics. These are some of the artifacts around which Marvel could focus on his future films :

The Chest of Ancient Winters

Coming from the realm of the Ice Giants, was taken by Odin after having them defeated in a battle and sheltered in Asgard. However, Loki steals it and uses it to freeze Heimdall. He is able to trigger a winter in a few hours or freeze any one in the Nine Kingdoms . Another of its mystical properties is that it grants eternal youth to its wearer and can hide it from the cosmic consciousness.

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The Cyttorak Ruby

Cyttorak, a member of the Octoesence, has transferred some of his power to this ruby. Every human who touches him becomes a Juggernaut . The gemstone will increase its size, give it tremendous strength and invulnerability, as well as an almost impenetrable force field. It also functions as a portal to the purple cosmos, where lives the demon Cyttorak

Marvel Comics

Darkhold (Book of Sins or Book of the Cursed)

It Was Writes by the demon Chthon who transcribed all his evil spells in the book called Darkhold before fleeing to Earth to escape the gods. His infinite knowledge allows his readers to build and obtain what they desire most . In addition, the person will be able to read it in his native language. With a few exceptions like Dr. Strange, Chthon will corrupt the soul of the one who uses it

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Watoomb's Wand

Again, he has was created by a demon: Watoomb. This magic wand is capable of channeling and absorbing energy . In this way, he can create interdimensional portals, make mystical barriers or find something in the universe. Your operator can also use it to treat injuries. In addition, the powers of those who use it increase

Marvel Comics

The Eye of Evil

Created by the alchemists of Avalon, which is an interdimensional realm. This artifact has the power to molecularly alter matter so that it serves to disintegrate objects, neutralize offensive energy sources and force fields. However, must be charged for large amounts of energy in order to be used . It can also handle certain types of energy and, as a result, can travel in time.

Marvel Comics

The rings of & # 39; mandarin & # 39;

Much less powerful than the Infinity Gems and the Infinity Guantalete, its powers are nothing despicable. The 10 rings of "Mandarin", one of the most iconic enemies of Iron Man, were created by the dragon Makluan and each contains the weapon of 39, a cosmic warrior who died some time ago. Therefore, the rings have their own consciousness and even communicate with each other. The exploit of 'Mandarin is that managed to establish a psychic connection with them and that is why only he can use his powers, even at distance.

Marvel Comics

The powers of these rings include the manipulation of any matter at the subatomic level, the deceleration of time, the manipulation of the air, the light and the darkness, as well as the ability to generate obsessions such as loyalty or other compulsions, among others. Their names, to give you an idea, are: ice ray, mental intensifier, electric ray, ray of fire, white light, dark light, decay radius, vortex radius, radius of impact and control of matter ]

Supreme Nullifier

Do not underestimate its size, because this little artifact is able to erase any of the existence , including complete realities . Unless the user has complete control, using it also risks destroying himself and destroying the Supreme Nullifier.

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Crystal M & # 39; Krann

This huge reddish diamond of cosmic nature is protected for the chi'er empire. Also called "The end of all that is", was the first planet that was formed and contains in a compressed galaxy of neutrons being a kind of meeting point between several realities. Its break would produce the force of gravity of the neutrons to alter the reality absorbing the galaxy like a black hole.

Marvel Comics

The Heart of the Universe

If they thought that Thanos had already reached its maximum power with the Guantalete del Infinito, they were wrong. The heart of the Universe makes it even more powerful because it is the source of all physical and metaphysical energy. With this mighty object the 'Crazy Titan & # 39; realizes omniscience in the series of comics entitled The End ("May God grab us"). 19659033] Marvel Comics