Migrants attempt a new "snap" on the border with Guatemala


Migrants try a new one

Migrants on the Guatemala-Mexico border bridge: Photo: EFE


This afternoon a group of migrants who wanted to cross to Mexico From the Guatemalan border, he clashed with elements of the Guatemalan police who blocked their passage.

About 3,000 migrants, most of whom are Honduran nationals, They have attempted a new "snap": they are on the border bridge without being able to enter Mexican territory where a fence of the federal police is already ready to receive them.

On the Twitter account of the Guetamalteca police, it has been reported on the police headquarters that prevents the passage of migrants.

In order to ensure the safety of Guatemalan citizens, due to the exodus of more and more Honduran immigrants waiting to enter Mexico, our @PNCdeGuatemala has set up security rings in the customs of Ayutla, San Marcos ", said the Guatemalan authorities on Twitter.

The declaration informs that from this morning, keep in uniform the door which is kept closed between the city of Ayutla Tecún Umán, Guatemala, and the customs, where the new caravan arrived this Sunday around 8:00.

Until the moment, migrants called for dialogue between commission and Guatemalan authorities to allow them to go to Chiapas, Mexico, waiting outside the door.

More migrants are expected at the border

Local media in El Salvador and Honduras report that more migrant groups continue to emerge.

In these images, you can see a group trying to get on a truck that will take them from El Salvador to the border with Guatemala.

Migrants at the door of Mexico

Around 3,000 migrants requested an interview with the Mexican authorities to be able to access the territory, the group remains at the entrance of the border which remains closed.


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