Migrants travel "hitch-hiking" last drive to CDMX



In the last stretch to arrive in Mexico City, most of the members of the Caravan of migrants they did it in vehicles, despite the risk that this represents walk on the roads and sleep where they can.

They do not stop trying to reach the United States with their children.

Yes, we come because we are in danger in Honduras. We continue the Caravan. It was difficult because we were not transported at all and we are tired, "said Osilis, a Central American migrant.

It was a little difficult because we endured the rain, the sun and the cold, but the truth was good with only one because we did not suffer from hunger. They gave us food, they treated us well, but we sometimes stayed in the street because we have nowhere to go. We already have water, "he added.

Protesters take Mexico-Cuernavaca stand

They have been walking for three weeks and, despite the announcement that they will not be allowed to enter the neighboring Nordic country, they hope to enter it.

That they help us because we have fled our country because of the violence and extortion that we have, "added Aldana.

They call the extreme care of the water for "high contingency"

While Elvin Perdomo, a migrant from Honduras said "very hard, but that's how we come in. You must suffer, one with patience, because it's always hard, a slight cough hit you, but it's gone. "

The inclement time He has already caused diseases mainly in children, It is thus that tents for the protection of human rights and medical care have been installed in the vicinity of the Mexico-Puebla highway to assist migrants wishing to meet on Wednesday at the Basilica of Guadalupe to continue their journey to the United States.


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