Migration, security and NAFTA, subjects of Pompeo's "fugaz" visit


During the visit of US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, Mexico, to the issues of security, migration, renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) ) and government transition were discussed.

The first meeting was held with President Enrique Peña Nieto at the official residence of Los Pinos, who asked the US official to work quickly to reunite migrant children with their families.

Similarly, the renegotiation of NAFTA was discussed with the aim of reaching an agreement as soon as possible.

After speaking with Peña Nieto, Pompeo and his entourage went to Colonia Roma to meet Mexico's virtual president-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and his team, who made him a basic proposal for understanding, focused on NAFTA, development, integration of Central American countries and security.

After the meeting, Marcelo Ebrard, who was proposed to the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), described the meeting as "excellent" in an atmosphere of respect, also clarified that the content of said document

The Mexican delegation was composed of Olga Sánchez Cordero, Carlos Urzúa, Martha Bárcenas, Graciela Márquez, Alfonso Durazo and Alfonso Romo. You may be interested in: The EU-Mexico relationship enters a very positive era with AMLO: Larry Rubin

After the meeting with Obrador, Pompeo and his entourage, composed of Secretaries of Internal Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, and Treasury Steven Mnuchin, as well as Donald Trump's senior adviser, Jared Kushner, spoke at the Foreign Affairs Secretariat.

There, Luis Videgaray, head of the SRE and Michael Pompeo offered a message to the media, in which they claimed that the US government will work with the government of Enrique Peña until the last day of his administration.

"President Enrique Peña has ratified Mr. Pompeo that his administration will work until the last day of his term to strengthen the relations between the two nations; With regard to the free agreement -exchange, he reiterated the Mexican government's willingness to work at an accelerated pace to achieve a successful renegotiation as soon as possible, "said Videgaray

with Andrés Manuel's team López Obrador. has maintained close communication to make a common front to address the most relevant issues of the transition, but it is up to Peña to fulfill his duties until 30 November.

In his opportunity, Pompeo detailed this with Andrés Manuel López Obrador addressed issues of interest to both nations, such as creating jobs and greater opportunities, developing economic and security.

"These are high priority issues, because we want to have a reciprocal relationship with Mexico, we want a modern FTA that respects our time and because we can make our border safer, Mexico is a key ally in fighting corruption and generating greater prosperity in both countries. "


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