Miguel Ángel Yunes invites Cuitláhuac García to meet


The governor of Veracruz on PAN Miguel Angel Yunes Linares finally accepted the triumph of Morena and even invited a meeting to ] elected governor Cuitláhuac García Jiménez who accepted the meeting

In a message published at the Government Palace, Yunes Linares mentioned the name of the morenista, that he had refused to do Sunday, July 1 , the same as his son the candidate PAN-PRD Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez

"I send my best wishes congratulations to the engineer García Jiménez. , and the assurance that as Governor, and as a Citizen of Veracruz, I will make the contribution that suits me to get there, "he said in a message from the Sala Venustiano Carranza

. to García Jiménez, s We will discuss the general situation of Veracruz and the transition process which should begin on November 1st.

"We will always be able to provide the necessary information for the new government to integrate their plans and programs, and to achieve and the transition process is a new impetus for the development of Veracruz", he says.

The PAN leader recalled that the transition is different because he was elected (in 2016), his opponents challenged the result and even tried to stop him from protesting.

"I would also like to congratulate and acknowledge the maturity and democratic engagement of his opponents in the electoral struggle, very important for the peace and political and social stability of Veracruz. has had the honesty and generosity to recognize their commitment to democracy and stability of Veracruz; I do so, convinced that they deserve it. "

In response, the elected governor assured that he will attend the proposed meeting by the current president and indicated that he will wait for the communication to take place. "At the moment, it is necessary to agree on the teams that will maintain contact, I understand that he will be attentive to his investiture activity that he has as governor and will not always be there. "

And he denied that in the conformation of his Cabinet there are" impositions "on the part of the virtual winner of the presidential election, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and that the names of those who will be his collaborators will be published in November. 19659002] During a meeting with Xalapa's municipal president, Hipólito Rodríguez Herrero, he said that one of the main issues to be addressed is the Fund for Strengthening Municipal Public Security (F ortaseg), which is very low and says that it will be increased with the new federal government.

"On my part, no mayor, whatever the color, coming from any part will not have this conditioning, on the contrary we go to support, we would like that more municipalities have access to Fortaseg, but otherwise we will try to create a fund to help municipalities strengthen their municipal police. "


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