Miguel Bosé owes the treasury more than 1 million euros


The Spanish Treasury included singer Miguel Bosé on his list of natural and legal persons who each owed more than one million euros in taxes

. The list, released Thursday, also includes Brazilian footballer Dani Alves and former director of the International Monetary Fund, Rodrigo Rato.

According to the National Agency of Tax Administration (AEAT), Bosé, one of the most renowned Spanish interpreters, owes more than 1.8 million euros (over 2, 1 million dollars) and Alves more than 2.6 million euros (more than 3 million dollars).

Rato, meanwhile, owes a little more than a million euros ($ 1.1 million). 19659002] Alves played for Barcelona from 2008 to 2016. He currently plays for Paris Saint-Germain

Rato, director of the IMF from 2004 to 2007 and figurehead of the Spanish People's Party from 1996 to 2004, was declared Last year guilty of embezzlement when f ue president in 2010-12 of Bankia, a Spanish bank that had to be saved later by the Spanish state.


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