Mike Pence urges Latin American countries to isolate Venezuela


Quito. US Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday urged Latin American countries to take steps to isolate the Government of Venezuela, an opponent of Washington who is facing a deep economic crisis .

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno, as part of a tour of Latin America, which included a meeting with Venezuelans in Brazil, who left their country in the absence of food, medicine and other deficiencies.

"We respectfully invite Ecuador and all our allies in the region to take steps to further isolate the (Nicolás) Maduro regime," said Pence in a joint statement with Moreno.

" A special threat to our security, is something that concerns my president, to my people and also that you (Moreno) feel it in your heart and in your mind, which is the collapse of Venezuela and the imperfections imposed by this dictatorship, "he added, a translator

Pence informed that he has offered economic aid of $ 2 million to Quito to attend the growing influx of Venezuelans who arrive every days in the Andean country, in the midst of general concern by the massive exodus.

For his part, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro called Pence a "venomous snake" on Wednesday and promised to defeat him in what he 39; he pr extends to be attempts to end his government.

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