Miley Cyrus breaks the heart of Liam Hemsworth: postpone the wedding.


LOS ANGELES, USA.- Miley Cyrus paused in her marriage pledge with Liam Hemsworth after three years of romance, according to OK! in its Australian edition.

According to the publication and data from the portal of Univisión, the couple decided to postpone their wedding plans – which had no date yet – because the singer and the actor had or not family in the future. They point out that Miley, for the moment, is not ready for motherhood while Liam is ready to be a father

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"He wants to have kids as soon as possible and he's tired of having to postpone … But that's not part of the schedule that Miley had proposed and his refusal left Liam with a broken heart." Liam has decided to postpone anything related to marriage and practically have not seen each other for weeks "a magazine source said.

The 24-year-old artist ended up The first time with Hemsworth in 2013 and He decided to resume his love story after being separated for almost two years.

Another element that attracted attention in this particular context and after that this information was given in the media, was that the interpreter of "Malibu" content or photographic accounts on social networks Instagram and Twitter (where he left only 39). an image) and its official website shows only a black background, although there are versions that indicate that this may be an advertising strategy – similar to that of Chiquis Rivera early 2018, before the release of his new album –

As long as there is no explanation for this action, everything remains as a real enigma. ) {
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