Military son who claims luxury claims that brands pay him all


June 29, 2018

Affirm that after five years of having his blog, he made a lot of friends and brands recognize his work.

Instagram: @ mariosierra.moncada

Mario Sierra Moncada, son of a military man whose blog posts travel and luxury items, she claims that everything she posts on social networks is part of her job and that she does not get money from her father.

In an interview for the Sin Embargo portal, she states that after five years blog, has made a lot of friends and brands recognize their work so that they invite you to events , restaurants and yachts (which serves your chain).

"They invite me as a blogger and media and they invite their clients, having been in this world for almost five years, I have created very good friendships in this luxurious world, these airplanes and these boats are simply invitations, jams that I've paid a peso for a private trip … get three thousand dollars to pay for an hour of flight? ", he argued. 9006] On his purchases at stores like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Christina Dior, among others, he says that "these are cuckold boxes" that give him his sponsors because give the perception of a luxurious lifestyle is what his followers are looking for. 19659006] "This job that I develop is communicating brands and a whole lifestyle I live with exchanges I'm happy to live like that I'm going to a luxury restaurant, these are probably carsimos but I do not pay it, they're invitations, my friends like to see this world, "he said.

Regarding the disadvantages of his page, I acknowledged that this raised suspicions, but he did it for his father, General Roberto Sierra Pramo. this has also generated a problem with the brands that it generates.

He also stated that he had never been promoted to the presidential plane, despite the fact that he presumed several photos on his social networks, and insisted that & # 39; It was a replica. (Can not remember the name or location)

With information from Sin Embargo

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