Minor kills his cousin at once while playing


Los Angeles.- A four-year-old boy killed his cousin of two in a community in San Bernardino County, Los Angeles, while playing with a gun.

According to the notimex information portal, after receiving the impact of the bullet, the girl was taken to a nearby hospital, where she lost her life a few hours later, according to Cindy Bachman , spokesman for the sheriff's department.

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The grandfather of the children, César Olvera, 53, was arrested because he was suspected of endangering minors, for leaving the weapon within reach of children, according to the San Bernardino County Police Department.

At the time of the accident, in the house where the children lived, several adults collaborated in the investigations

The incident occurred at 2700, rue Duffy, at the East of the American city. 19659007] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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