Minsa: Human papillomavirus vaccine reduces the dose from 3 to 2 | Society


The application of vaccine against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) for girls aged 9 to 14 years was reduced from 3 to 2 doses because their immunological capacity is Ministry of Health (Minsa) .

The chairman of the Minsa Committee of Experts on Immunization, Eduardo Verne, pointed out that immunogenicity (ability of the immune system to react against an antigen) is higher between 9 and 14 years of age, so that World Health Organization (WHO) recommended since 2016 to reduce the dose between these years.

"At the present time, studies are underway to learn more about the level of protection that the HPV vaccine has in girls: we already know that, between the ages of 9 and 14, 39 is the ideal stage to immunize them. As a result in the country we reduced his application from three to two doses "Verne said.

He noted that the vaccine against HPV not only prevents cervical cancer but also that of the mouth, throat, penis and anus that cause the viruses "16" and "18", two types that produce 70% of the cases of these neoplasias.

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He added that although this vaccine is one of those that generates the most resistance in the population because it is associated with the onset of diseases, there is no scientific evidence to prove it. Fibromyalgia is one of the health problems with which it is linked, explains the pediatrician infectologist because in different parts of the world there have been cases of girls who have presented muscle problems after The drug has been applied.

"E The use of vaccines to prevent diseases has many years and monitoring of its effects more than two decades.The presence of this disease responds to other reasons which need to be studied, "he said.

In Peru was applied for the first time the vaccine against HPV in 2010, during the management of former Minister of Health, Oscar Ugarte [19659009Minsa immunized for the first time more than 200,000 girls aged 10 years.

El Minsa recommends to apply the vaccine against HPV before reaching puberty, because from this stage, many women start their sex life and are more inclined to contract the virus that causes cancer of the cervix of the uterus.

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