MINSAL treats 9,500 people living with HIV | News from El Salvador


The coordinator of the national STI and HIV program, Ana Isabel Nieto, reported that there are more than 36,000 registered cases of HIV-positive people, but it is estimated that this number may increase because some people do not know their diagnosis. The data were known in the presentation of the HIV study compared to men who have sex with men (MSM). Until now, the Ministry of Health (MINSAL) is participating in antiretroviral therapy and is following up with about 9,500 people living with HIV; and the Salvadoran Institute of Social Security, at 2,500.

"For us, it is a satisfaction to say that it is the government that assumes all the antiretroviral treatment; we do not need external cooperation to provide treatment, we do not have waiting lists of patients, "said Nieto.

Every year, MINSAL performs HIV expenditure measurement, in which investment in care, treatment, prevention, program management, and healthy environments is controlled. According to Nieto, about $ 57 million was spent Invested in 2017, five million less than in 2016. "There has been a decline in investment, partly due to the decrease in international cooperation but also to the country's financial crisis." Yesterday in the context the launch of Project Sustainability and Human Rights in HIV for Central America, however, he estimates that 80% of all investments come from public funds.

The process followed by MINSAL to find a positive test is to reconfirm the diagnosis, r Ferer the & # 39; hospital that the person prefers and gives "To try to ensure that the person receives a good quality of life and teach him to take care of yourself and others," she adds.

For the government, the treatment can cost between $ 200 and $ 7,000 per person per year. in which the diagnosis has been confirmed. The funds for retroviral drugs are about $ 2.5 million a year. This year, the laboratory budget is $ 2.8 million and about 140,000 HIV tests were performed

The purpose of the study and project is to generate strategies to address populations at risk of contracting HIV. gather evidence for early diagnosis and treatment, build financial sustainability through public policies, and reduce stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV.

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