MINUTE TO MINUTE: Red Sox vs. Dodgers (game 5)


minute by minute

  • Red Sox


  • Dodgers


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  • 5 ▲

    Freese cools down Holt's aspirations from the first goal and Devers returns to the break through the punch

  • Holt, Devers and Vazquez will have their turn in the batter's box against Kershaw. Start the fifth entry

  • 4 ▼

    Puig takes a short drive up to the second base where Holt manages to dominate and score the third goal for the Dodgers

  • 4 ▼

    Muncy takes the second round, gets up and Betts dominates him in the middle

  • 4 ▼

    Machado can not go against Price and he goes flat

  • 4 ▲

    Double kill! Goodbye to Martinez in his intentions of reaching the first and later Bogaerts to run to the first

  • 4 ▲

    Simple JD Martinez to settle in the initial. Bogaerts enters the box

  • 4 ▲

    Pearce back and JD Martinez in turn

  • 4 ▲

    Steve Pearce at bat, again, looking for another circuit for Boston, against Kershaw

  • 3 ▼

    Goodbye to Justin Turner. Kike Hernández was unable to produce Freese's career when he hit a play area with a flying ball that dominates JD Martínez

  • 3 ▼

    Once again, Freese! Imparable who reaches him to arrive sweeping the antechamber

  • 3 ▼

    Kershaw can not be set to first base because of the fast defensive reaction after his short ball

  • 3 ▲

    Betts and Benintendi are dominated. Kershaw was connected but without major problems solves the defense

  • 3 ▲

    Kershaw write off David Price. Mookie Betts takes the bat

  • 2 ▼

    Chris Taylor is dominated by a shot in the center and Barnes receives the three shots

  • 2 ▼

    Puig's simple with elevated to central that does not manage to control Benintendi

    World Series

  • 2 ▼

    Max Muncy could not face Price and take the bat, Yasiel Puig, looking for another circuit as in the fourth match

  • 2 ▲

    Christian Vázquez connects to the central midfielder, where Hernandez extends the mittens, keeps the ball and points the third goal towards Boston

  • 2 ▲

    Holt is dominated by Freese on first base and Doevers quickly listens to three shots

  • 1 ▼

    Machado goes away and the Red Sox go back to bat

  • 1 ▼

    Manny Machado resists with three balls and two shots

  • 1 ▼

    Double kill! Goodbye Turner then Hernandez in his aspirations to reach the intermediary and the initial, respectively

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    Price gives Justin Turner the first shot goal of the night. Man first and Enrique Hernández at bat

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    HOMEEEEEE RUUUUUUN! ! Freese sends him to his first match and brings Los Angeles closer

  • Freese, Turner and Hernández, with the responsibility to move the figures in favor of the Dodgers. David Price at the mound

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    Finish the top of the first entry with the punch at Bogaerts. Steve Pearce puts the work of the Dodgers in place, which in itself was complicated

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    JD Martínez fails to reach base and leaves room for batting at Bogaerts

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    HOMEEEEEE RUUUUUUN! ! Pearce sends the ball to the other side and gives the advantage to the Red Sox early

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    Benintendi is installed in the first after connecting the first unstoppable night. Pearce arrives at the strike

  • 1 ▲

    Enrique Hernández dominates in the center the ball that Betts connected. First exit for Boston. Benintendi batting


  • Clayton Kershaw goes on the hill as a Dodger starter. Mookie Betts will be the first to beat the Red Sox

  • Everything is ready for the start of the game

  • The anthem of the United States is sung

  • Los Angeles presents this LineUp

  • The Boston LineUp tonight

  • Welcome to the minute by minute of the fifth game of the world series !!

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