Missing evidence, Maduro uses torture to incriminate Machado in case of assassination


The Venezuelan opposition leader, María Corina Machado, said Friday that she was aware that she could be arrested at any time after Governor Nicolás Maduro accused her of to have participated in an alleged conspiracy to murder

. obtained by the Nuevo Herald show that Machado is actually involved in the case, although it lacks solid evidence and the inmates involved have reported being tortured.

The Venezuelan leader, who has one of the highest ratings of popularity in the country, has warned that about 300 soldiers have been arrested in recent months or are missing because they were suspected of having participated in destabilizing activities, but warned that the arrest is a risk that threatens all Venezuelans today.

Each of us can be arrested. It's a dictatorship. In Venezuela, there is no rule of law and there is no justice, "said Machado after denying having participated in the conspiracy

and even when the regime claims to have 39; imply, Machado said that he would not leave Venezuela. Venezuelans who remain, "said the leader during a telephone interview." This is our country and we do not leave Venezuela. The one who has to leave is Maduro and his mafias.The center of my message is to stay and fight, and that's what I do. "

The Maduro Diet announced there is a few weeks since he had dismantled a plot to assassinate the current leader of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Local media reported that some 20 officers had already been arrested and that among the civilians involved in the conspiracy was Machado

These stories raised concerns in the United States.

"@ MariaCorinaYAesta with #Venezuela's people in their fight for freedom Maduro and his acolytes should think twice before threatening his life," Florida senator Marco Rubio wrote on his Twitter account [19659002] "EE. UU and the international community must take note and apply harsh penalties if their lives are in danger," added Rubio, one of Washington's most influential voices on Venezuelan politics.

Documents from the case against the army obtained by the New Herald shows that Machado is accused of participating and funding the so-called "Armageddon operation".

"Among the political figures, we learn that she is related to the citizen María Corina Machado, leader of the political movement and Sale Venezuela, financial and international link", stressed one of the documents without giving more details.

In the conspiracy, according to the Maduro regime, the Colombian government would also be involved.

The charges brought before the first military-control court based in Caracas involves more than thirty officers and soldiers with the conspiracy alleged, who, in addition to the assassination also They tried to sabotage the presidential elections of May 20, described as an electoral joke by a large part of the international community.

But these accusations are supported only by mentions of the existence of "intelligence work", whose reports are not In addition, most of the people involved were illegally ar arrested before the courts allow arrest warrants, documents that were issued after the arrests.

At least two of the detainees declared at the hearing before the military judge Claudia Carolina Perez de Mogollón who were tortured and who, in at least one of the cases, were forced to sign without power read or be informed of the contents of prefabricated confessions.

Machado said that he had received information from the families of the detainees denouncing that they were being tortured.

She declared that she did not want the death of Maduro

"I told Nicolás Maduro that I want him out of Miraflores [Palacio Presidencial] but that I want him alive, so that He faces the justice that he has denied to all Venezuelans, and that the day of change, when he comes out of power, I will do everything in my power to preserve his life and him. facing justice ", said the chief.

A high number of people in uniform incarcerated by a Maduro who mistrusts more and more of the military sector amid signs that the majority discontent of the population is spreading Through the barracks

According to the documents, the conspirators allegedly held several meetings to prepare for the operation, they allegedly infiltrated communications equipment and actively engaged in recruiting military personnel.

However, the documents do not provide no kind of physical evidence to show what was being dealt with in the alleged meetings, or even that the meetings actually took place.

There are very few direct mentions of Machado in the documents, limiting He accused them of being bound and financing the insurgency.

Venezuelan lawyers consulted stated that the documents did not detail how the intelligence services determined that the accused soldiers were conspiring against Maduro, in coordination with police and political leaders.

The charges are unsupported by evidence that the regime's intelligence services would have been obtained and the charges laid are handled by the Chavista Military Court as if they were in themselves evidence of the guilt of the accused. ;accused. "Military courts do not comply with the provisions of the Venezuelan Constitution or with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, they ask for arrest orders without any form of legal support that is demonstrated by real elements of belief that people are the perpetrators or participants of the events, "said Miami criminal lawyer Luis Vielma after studying the documents.

Venezuelan justice is now subject to political and not legal criteria, "said Vielma, who has defended before military courts previously accused of conspiracy, before being forced to leave the country when he himself was persecuted by agents of the regime.

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