Mobile app allows daily control of diabetes – Bajo Palabra


Mexico .- With the conference of Mexican activist Janet Chávez, the first congress of digital humanists in Mexico and Latin America 2018 was inaugurated , which brings together associations from a dozen countries as part of building bridges between cultures, nations and ways of thinking.

The meeting, which will take place from June 26 to 29 in Mexico, will bring together representatives of organizations to exchange ideas on the influence and the opportunity offered by new technologies to disseminate original forms. of thought and understanding among the societies of this generation.

After being held in Montreal, Canada, in 2017, this first congress is held in Mexico will present 33 panels and 110 conferences of representatives of international organizations. By a statement, he explained that Chávez developed his lecture entitled "Tramando la palabra", with which he offered a broad perspective on the indigenous communities of Oaxaca and the way their mother tongue, Zapotec and his cosmogonies, have been reflected since ancestral times. its discourse and its textiles, but also the way in which the new technologies make it possible to diffuse this cultural richness.

"I belong to the fourth generation of weavers of my community and I learned from parents the different worlds concentrated in Teotitlán del Valle, where more than half of the inhabitants speak Zapotec", he said. The activist added that this congress allows us to see the need for indigenous communities to build bridges to the digital world, an aspect that is already normal among many Zapotec families.

The organizers of the meeting, Ernesto Priani and Isabel Galindo, as well as academic representatives like Laura Flamand, Academic Coordinator of the Colegio de México (Colmex); Pablo Mora, representative of the Bibliographic Research Institute, and Alberto Vital, on behalf of the rector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), were present at the opening conference which took more 500 participants.

Pablo Mora celebrated The first time this conference in Mexico, a key place, he said, to understand the ways that the digital world can reach in various fields such as culture, art , science and many other social areas to find solutions. ideas that benefit society

He claimed that, in recent years, new technologies and platforms have been developed in our country that have reached all areas and accelerated their essence as a nation.

his part, Alberto Vital said that the presence of the maximum study house is in the 32 entities of the country with more than a thousand researchers, who have experienced the way digital tools benefit at work in education and in each of their specialties.

"The current reality of our country is dizzying, the humanities are very important and so we need to build models of understanding in the digital world," he said. Colmex scholar, Laura Flamand, said that the Cossío Villegas bookstore in this chamber is one of the most important in the field of humanities in Mexico and therefore the theme of this congress based on the "bridges" that should be set up between institutions and the public to spread collections, research and new ideas across the digital world

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