Mobile phones boost telephone gain



-Telcel, Telefonica Movistar and AT & T have agreed to boost their mobile revenues in the first quarter of 2018.

Competitive Intelligence Unit (CIU) figures show that annual growth Telcel equipment increased by 4.2%, Telefónica Movistar by 24.4% and AT & T by 116.7%.

Fernando Esquivel, an analyst at The CIU, explained that in the first quarter of 2018, mobile telecommunications accounted for 63 thousand 944 million. of pesos, 7.4% more than the first quarter of the previous year

Despite the coincidence in the momentum of equipment revenue, the expert mentioned that each company has obtained its resources from different market strategies.

Telcel reported revenue growth of 10.3% in the first quarter of the year compared to the same period of 2017, but by disaggregating the source of the entries, it is observed that the sale of Mobile Services rose to 31 thousand 980 million pesos, or 71.2% of the total and increased 12.8% annually.

"This is explained by a strategy focused on increasing high-value customers and growth in data consumption, 98% per year, in addition to restoring the collection regime for the end calls different from zero, "said Esquivel. Movistar's turnover fell by 5.9% in annual terms, reaching 6 thousand 375 million pesos in the first quarter of 2018.

"This figure comes from service sales for 5 thousand 86 million pesos, 11.4% less in services, partly offset by a 24.4% growth in the sale of equipment, which amounts to one thousand two hundred and nine million, "comments the analyst.

AT & T records a 4.6% growth in its annual business turnover with 12 thousand 564 million pesos

US telephone company service revenues decreased 22% annually, with 7 thousand 565 million pesos, mainly due to lower prices paid in advance, Esquivel said .for 4,999 million pesos, 117% more than the previous year, due to the increase in the user base, 24.1% per year, and the migration to higher capacity equipment "

Tende ncia. Profits of telephone companies increased between 24 and 116% in the first quarter,

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