Model provokes controversy to pose naked near the Western Wall | People | Entertainment


Jerusalem –

A Belgian model provoked a scandal by posing naked near the Wailing Wall, the most sacred place where Jews can pray in Jerusalem, an incident that religious authorities have denounced as "embarrassing and serious" [19659003]. Marisa Papen, 26, adopts a lascivious posture on a white plastic chair, against the background of the Wailing Wall, under the terrace on which she sits.

This photo is currently on display. in Belgium, according to the Belgian daily HLN.

Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz described the incident as "embarrassing, serious and grieving" In 2017, Papen was detained for 24 hours in Egypt for posing naked in front of the Karnak Temple Israeli media reported.

The Western Wall is located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City. It is located just below the Temple Mount, the third most sacred site of Islam, and the most sacred site for Jews, who call it the Temple Mount. (I)

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