More flu in Progreso


After one death, 3 confirmed cases are reported

PROGRESS.- Influenza does not abate in this port: every day more reported cases have already been confirmed and transferred to the health center with Expanded Services (Cesa), in this city, because he has the Department of Epidemiology.

Jorge Casanova Simá, Regidor of Salud, reported yesterday that in the offices of the municipal DIF three confirmed cases of influenza have been detected and there are 17 probable of this disease that have been followed by Doctors of this addiction.

The municipal DIF is located in the building that the Health Center occupied on 76th Street with 23. Many people come to consult and the majority is due to diseases of the respiratory tract.

Doctors have detected three confirmed cases of influenza, said the counselor.

The official explained that, "according to the protocol that applies when a patient is diagnosed with the flu", the three cases were They took turns at Cesa, because he has the department d & rsquo; Epidemiology, "to follow."

He explained that there are 17 probable cases of influenza, not yet confirmed, and altogether in this city and the police stations would be 20 cases of "

Among the people affected by the flu he there are minors and adults, he added.

On Saturday, 14, he died of the flu, Josías Rodríguez Sosa, 18 months. The child was hospitalized for approximately 25 days at the Mérida.- G.T.V.

Yucatán Gripa


998 cases of influenza-like illness (ILI) or severe acute respiratory infection (SARI), considered likely to be influenza, occurred in Yucatan until the end of the year. on Thursday 12, Friday 13th Federal Health


4 deaths from influenza and 92 confirmed cases of this disease had until the same date

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