More mosquitoes are positive for the Nile virus


Yesterday, the Department of Public Health of the city of El Paso announced that a greater number of mosquitoes captured in the region were carriers of the Nile virus, although no infection has not been reported this season.

Six traps gave positive results on the Nile virus, including the center of El Paso, the Alto Valley and Fabens. The Department of Public Health continues to work closely with the Department of Environmental Services' Vector Control Program to determine the prevalence of the virus in the region.

Although there was no human infection in the region of El Paso, the officials remind citizens to avoid mosquito bites

"We enter in the rainy season here in town, which means a greater opportunity for mosquitoes to reproduce, "said the epidemiologist of the Department of Public Health. , Fernando González. "We know that there are infected mosquitoes and that their numbers increase, they also increase the chances that they will infect the population with this disease."

There were 14 confirmed human cases in the locality last year and in 2015, and two deaths related to Nile virus infection were recorded in order to avoid that there are more cases this year, the inhabitants are asked to put into practice the following measures:

– DEET: use insect repellents that contain DEET at l & # 39; outside

– Clothing: long-sleeved, pants and socks on the outside

– In the evening and at dawn: although mosquitoes are associated with other diseases, such as Zika, can stay active during the day, locals should take extra precautions during rush hours when mosquitoes usually bite (from dusk to dawn). r) or consider avoiding outdoor activities during these hours

– Draining: Drain all standing water in pots, strainers, buckets, pool lids, ponds for water pets and bird baths.

For more information on the Department of Public Health, call 2-1-1 or visit or

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