More remittances arrive in the country


May, when more money was sent in five months

CITY OF MEXICO (EFE and Notimex) .- Mexico received 12,849.08 million dollars from its citizens living abroad in the first five months of the year, an increase of 11.45% over the same period of 2017, reported Banxico yesterday.

The amount of accumulated remittances was higher than the 11,529.04 million a year ago, the Central Bank said in its monthly report

. -maybe, the average payment was $ 313, higher than the $ 304 in the same period of 2017, and the number of transactions went from 37.98 million to 41.04 million, for the most part electronic transfers.

$ 3,096 million, a figure exceeding 2,586 million in 2017 and 2,717 million in the previous month.

The nation received last year $ 28,771 million from its citizens living in the extra This is an increase of 6.59% from 2016 and over from a maximum in almost two decades.

Remittances, mainly from Mexican emigrants to the United States, are the second largest source of foreign exchange after auto exports. a significant income for millions of people who receive it.

Banorte considered that the advance in the flow of remittances is partly explained by the depreciation of the Mexican currency in May, before which Mexican migrants usually send a larger amount of money. ;money. money, considering that dollars have a greater purchasing power.

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