More than 2,000 chickenpox cases in Yucatan


Merida, Yucatan.- Health authorities have confirmed that up to now this year recorded two thousand people affected by chicken pox which represents an increase of 23% on average in relation to 2017.

This report is given at the time when in Yucatan is concerned about the occurrence of dozens of cases of Influenza and that it was not. it has already been confirmed that four deaths have been confirmed. The Federal Epidemiological Bulletin revealed that during the first six months of the year, chickenpox cases in Yucatan were increasing because currently there are more than two thousand people with this disease in the United States. # 39; state. 19659003] Up to Epidemiological Week 26, with a cut on June 30, two thousand 617 cases of this disease were treated in state public health centers . Of these, 1,422 were men and 1,000,195.

During the same period last year, only 1,999 chickenpox incidents were reported in the entity. There are currently 618 additional cases, which represents an increase of 23.6% on average.

According to the National Epidemiological Bulletin, Yucatán has closed with 2.802 people with this disease in 2017.

At the national level, the entity where to report more cases of chickenpox is Jalisco with 6 thousand 439; followed by State of Mexico and Nuevo León with respectively 625,025 and 5,000 incidents 811.

Also the health sector recommended that in the case of children with the disease, avoid d & # 39; go to school and public centers or mass competition.

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