More than 250,000 people receive the Croatian national team


In a burst of national pride and jubilation, Croatia unveiled a red carpet Monday and gave a heroic welcome to the national team despite the defeat against France in the final of the Cup

Hundreds of thousands of people wearing red and white plaid shirts and waved Croatian flags took to the streets of the capital Zagreb to greet the team. Observers described the welcome event as the most important in the history of Croatia

The enthusiastic crowd survived the central square and the road where players were boarding. An open bus, greeting fans and signing autographs.

Police report that more than 250,000 people have left downtown Zagreb and many others along the road. The bus of the players traveled for hours, stopping often when it was blocked by the crowds.

"Thank you Croatia, thank you Zagreb !", The captain told the crowd Luka Modric who won the Balloon of 39 Gold as the best player of the World Cup after the team finally reached the place.

EFE / A. Bat [19659012] Midfielder Ivan Rakitic added, "There are no words to describe how we feel!"

Players lined up to sing the national anthem with the crowded place of jubilation. Singer and right-wing nationalist Marko Perkovic Thompson joins the finale to sing some songs

Thousands of fans, many of whom have come from other parts of the country, have begun to arrive at the center early in the morning and the medical emergency services reported that they have helped hundreds of fans who have collapsed from exhaustion. The city authorities brought water tanks to the city center.

The fans were blowing horns, waving and shouting "Bravo, bravo!" They welcomed the bus, while slowly leaving the airport. The sign forward read: "Fierce heart, the pride of Croatia!", With reference to the name "La Fiera", as the team is known in his country.

As the bus advanced, the fans followed in bicycle or on foot while waving


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